CJS Sales: Crafts, Jewelry, Supplies (Vintage Warehouse)

CJS Sales: Crafts, Jewelry, Supplies (Vintage Warehouse)
16 West 36th Street, NY, NY 10018

Thursday, October 10, 2013

We started off by taking them to our little known treasure trove in NYC called CJS Sales: Crafts, Jewelry, Supplies (Vintage Warehouse)

A Day in the Life....
of Cheryl and Suze (and Ken and The Lenster !)

Where do I start....is there even enough room to go into any detail?

So, Cheryl (Darrow, for those who might live under a rock....co-owner of Ten Seconds Studio, Dallas, TX !), was coming to NYC for hers and Kens anniversary...for a week.

The Lenster and I met up with them for a day of schlepping, shopping and eating.


We started off by taking them to our little known treasure trove in NYC called CJS Sales. You'd never find it unless you KNOW about it. I KNOW THESE THINGS !!! I learned it from my Aussie friend Jen Crossley!!

Well....Cheryl nearly fell on her face when the elevator door opened and she saw THIS

YES...you walk through and over and into piles & piles and piles of F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S STUFF !

Chain, beads, rhinestones, purses, pearls, buttons, lucite, plastic, connectors, OH..what the hey...everything is there...

you just have to weed through it. That is half the fun. That is ALL the fun...come prepared...last time we went we brought a suitcase with us, BUT, they will ship !!

When you arrive David gives you the guided tour...pay attention to it..

and you'll get boxes you can fill up, as if this would ever be a problem!

then...you're OFF & running !

and climbing..

and searching and digging and sneezing (oh yes, dust) , but having the BEST time.

and, when you're all done you just wanna die from all the excitment you've had and the hours of fun moving boxes and sorting through stuff. Like a kid in a giant candy store. Thank you Elyse for another great experience at CJS !


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